Review Your Tax Return
Now (March and April) is a great time to review your tax returns now because there is still time to address issues before next year (and you may have time to amend returns if needed). See the checklists below. One if for retirees and a separate one is for taxpayers who are still working.

as-a-retiree-what-issues-should-i-consider-when-reviewing-my-2023-tax-return-2024.pdf |

as-someone-who-is-working-what-issues-should-i-consider-when-reviewing-my-2023-tax-return-2024__1_.pdf |
Documents Needed at Tax Time
Posted in February - Tax season is right around the corner and I know how tricky it can be to manage such a daunting task on top of your other responsibilities. To help speed things along, I’ve put together this checklist to help you organize the documents you need to file your return.

what-documents-do-i-need-to-collect-for-filing-my-2023-tax-return-2024.pdf |